About Us

Here at Beachiespeechies, we hope to share our fun, creative ideas to spice up your therapy sessions. Follow along for boom learning resources, therapy materials we love, and the occasional Florida adventure. After all, life is not just about work! 

Meet Ciara

Ciara loves helping families connect and communicate! She is originally from Zimbabwe and immigrated to the USA in 2003. This is her 5th year of working as a Speech-Language Pathologist in the outpatient pediatric setting. She enjoys running, yoga, and adventures with her husband. Stay tuned as she shares speech, language, literacy, and Florida sunshine!

Meet Jen

Jen is a Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist who has been practicing for 15 years. After dabbling in a variety of settings including private practice, and school, she has settled into the outpatient setting for a children’s hospital. She has a passion for language and literacy and loves helping children access language via the written form. When not working Jen is running after her two sons and having small adventures in the Florida sun.