I am not sure about you all but I have been looking forward to 2021! I know that the clock striking midnight won’t magically erase all the troubles of 2020 but it is a nice symbolic restart. I am ready to let go of some negatives things from last year but I have been thinking about the new tools I gained. Namely my face shield. Working in a hospital pediatric outpatient setting we have been mandated to wear face masks, and eye coverings. ( goggles or face shields).

I wanted to take a silly look back at 2020 and look for the silver lining. So I present to you the top 5 best reasons to have a face shield in 2021 and why I may never retire it.

  1. Protects from stray sneezes
    Now some of my kids are wearing masks. Some make it halfway through the session and some are just too little or don’t tolerate them. Having a face shield is the number one defense against a sneeze in the face. We have all been there, right?

  2. Protects from the occasional thrown toy
    Boy, these shields are durable. I am so glad I have had one on a few occasions this year. The terrible twos are no joke. Why can these little hands throw things with such strength?

  3. Doubles as a new attention-getter
    If you haven’t knocked on your own face shield to get a kiddo’s attention, did you even do speech therapy in 2020?

  4. Nonpreferred food catcher
    Feeding Therapists this one is for you. Aren’t you happy to have another layer of protection between you and those peas your kiddo is about to spit out?

  5. Bad Hair Day Concealer
    Wearing a mask and a face shield all day = bad hair day every day. Blame it on the face shield. Putting this thing on and off all day really limits your styling options. Use it as an excuse for pulled back easy style hair!

    What are your favorite reasons for wearing a face shield? What other new tricks with 2020 are you going to continue to use in 2021?