Exploring Our Backyard – Close to Home Travel

Exploring Our Backyard – Close to Home Travel

Here at BeachieSpeechies we are constantly trying to become better therapists and better people in general. 2020 has been a year of setbacks and growth in both of these areas. Some of the goals I have for 2021are to spend more quality time with my family, be present, and travel. Travel is tricky in 2021 ( still). We are going to focus on close to home travel. You may have seen some previous posts about my family’s camping adventures. Today I am going to share another great spot to visit in Florida.

5 Reasons I May Keep my Face Shield Beyond 2021

5 Reasons I May Keep my Face Shield Beyond 2021

I am not sure about you all but I have been looking forward to 2021! I know that the clock striking midnight won’t magically erase all the troubles of 2020 but it is a nice symbolic restart. I am ready to let go of some negatives things from last year but I have been thinking about the new tools I gained. Namely my face shield. Working in a hospital pediatric outpatient setting we have been mandated to wear face masks, and eye coverings. ( goggles or face shields).
