It was a Thursday night in early March when Jen and I received an email. The email went something along the lines of, “we will be stopping direct patient care for two weeks……”. With this news came fear and anxiety-like we have never experienced before. Would we lose our jobs? How would our patients progress without school and therapy? How would we survive being stuck home with our husbands? Two weeks turned to six weeks and we quickly realized that life as we knew it had changed. We were officially homebound and quarantined. Being forced to take time away from work puts things into perspective. The patients we serve are so important and special to us, but having time with our families is essential. I vowed to enjoy my quarantine. When else would I get six weeks of quiet?

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Here is my bright side of quarantine:

I became a master of charcuterie. After watching an embarrassing amount of Tik Tok videos I can proudly call myself a pro of making and eating charcuterie. Pro tip: beach charcuterie is even better! Pack everything into a beach bag/cooler and assemble at the beach. I try to include at least three different cheeses (usually brie, gouda, cheddar- I like different shapes) , various meats, jam/honey/special mustard, something sweet (fruits/chocolate), and crackers of you choice.

Charcuterie, beach snacks

I prepared for the new world of teletherapy and started creating online therapy materials through a platform called Boomlearning. Check our Our Store

I caught up on reading. I read so many books but my favorites were; The Silent PatientThe Guest List, and The Last Guest House. I LOVED The Silent Patient and screamed during the last chapter.

I organized my therapy room. As I enter my 5th year as a Speech-Language Pathologist I realized that I had WAY too much stuff. I purged the things I didn’t need and organized my essentials so that I could be more efficient. Could you use a purge? What are your Top 5 Therapy Materials?

organization, the home edit

I caught as many sunsets as possible. We are so lucky to live 2 minutes from the beach. There is nothing like salt air and sunsets when you are stressed. The beach became our happy place where we could forget about all the chaos.

Midnight Pass, Sarasota, beach, sarasota

When I returned to work I felt refreshed and lighter. I was organized and more energetic! How did you make the best of quarantine? What was your bright side?