What we Do

We are pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists on a mission to create and share fun and engaging therapy materials.

What’s New

High Repetition Games

I love a game with a thousand pieces. Lots of pieces mean lots of repetitions. Lots of repetitions are great for all types of speech sound disorders. Below I'll share my top five high repetition, lots of pieces games. This post contains affiliate links. A small...

Camping Christmas Style at Disney World

It is important to take a break from work and enjoy the great outdoors. It's easy to do so in sunny Florida. I am going to take a quick detour and tell you about one of my family's holiday traditions. Every December for the past 5-6 years my family has camped at...

The Top 5 Toys in my Closet

We all have our favorite toys and activities that we fall back on. After 15 years in practice, I am going to share my top five picks. These are the toys I can't live without. if I had a bare-bones closet and had to make things up on the fly this is what I would...


At the Beach

Sarasota, FL